APPENDIX D SCREEN DISPLAY CODES - 40 Columns The following chart lists all of the characters built into the Commodore screen character sets. It shows which numbers should be POKED into screen memory (locations 1024-2023) to get a desired character on the 40-column screen (Remember, to set color memory, use locations 55296 to 56295). Also shown is which character corresponds to a number PEEKed from the screen. Two character sets are available. Both are available simultaneously in 80- column mode, but only is available at a time on the 40-column screen. The sets are switched by holding down the {shift} and {C=} (Commodore) keys simultaneously. From BASIC, PRINT CHR$(142) will switch to upper case/graphics mode and PRINT CHR$(14) will switch to upper/lower case mode. Any number on the chart may also be displayed in REVERSE. The reverse character code may be obtained by adding 128 to the values shown. SET 1 SET 2 POKE | SET 1 SET 2 POKE | SET 1 SET 2 POKE ----------------------+------------------------+----------------------- | | @ 0 | C c 3 | F f 6 A a 1 | D d 4 | G g 7 B b 2 | E e 5 | H h 8 ----------------------+------------------------+----------------------- SET 1 SET 2 POKE | SET 1 SET 2 POKE | SET 1 SET 2 POKE ----------------------+------------------------+----------------------- I i 9 | % 37 | A 65 J j 10 | & 38 | B 66 K k 11 | ' 39 | C 67 L l 12 | ( 40 | D 68 M m 13 | ) 41 | E 69 N n 14 | * 42 | F 70 O o 15 | + 43 | G 71 P p 16 | , 44 | H 72 Q q 17 | - 45 | I 73 R r 18 | . 46 | J 74 S s 19 | / 47 | K 75 T t 20 | 0 48 | L 76 U u 21 | 1 49 | M 77 V v 22 | 2 50 | N 78 W w 23 | 3 51 | O 79 X x 24 | 4 52 | P 80 Y y 25 | 5 53 | Q 81 Z z 26 | 6 54 | R 82 [ 27 | 7 55 | S 83 pound 28 | 8 56 | T 84 ] 29 | 9 57 | U 85 ^ 30 | : 58 | V 86 <- 31 | ; 59 | W 87 SPACE 32 | < 60 | X 88 ! 33 | = 61 | Y 89 " 34 | > 62 | Z 90 # 35 | ? 63 | 91 $ 36 | 64 | 92 ----------------------+------------------------+----------------------- SET 1 SET 2 POKE | SET 1 SET 2 POKE | SET 1 SET 2 POKE ----------------------+------------------------+----------------------- | | 93 | 105 | 117 94 | 106 | 118 95 | 107 | 119 SPACE 96 | 108 | 120 97 | 109 | 121 98 | 110 | 122 99 | 111 | 123 100 | 112 | 124 101 | 113 | 125 102 | 114 | 126 103 | 115 | 127 104 | 116 | ----------------------+------------------------+----------------------- Codes from 128-255 are reversed images of codes 0-127.