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NOTE: Follow this link for a lynx-friendly version.

This appendix shows you what characters will appear if you PRINT CHR$(X), for all possible values of X. It will also show the values obtained by typing PRINT ASC("x"), where x is any character that can be displayed. This is useful in evaluating the character received in a GET statement, converting upper to lower case, and printing character based commands (like switch to upper/lower case) that could not be enclosed in quotes.

0 96
1 97
2 98
3 99
4 100
{white} 5 101
6 102
7 103
disable {shift C=} 8 104
enable {shift C=} 9 105
10 106
11 107
12 108
{return} 13 109
{lower case} 14 110
15 111
16 112
{down} 17 113
{rvs on} 18 114
{home} 19 115
{del} 20 116
21 117
22 118
23 119
24 120
25 121
26 122
27 123
{red} 28 124
{right} 29 125
{green} 30 {pi} 126
{blue} 31 127
{space} 32 128
! 33 {orange} 129
" 34 130
# 35 131
$ 36 132
% 37 {f1} 133
& 38 {f3} 134
' 39 {f5} 135
( 40 {f7} 136
) 41 {f2} 137
* 42 {f4} 138
+ 43 {f6} 139
, 44 {f8} 140
- 45 {shift return} 141
. 46 {upper case} 142
/ 47 143
0 48 {black} 144
1 49 {up} 145
2 50 {rvs off} 146
3 51 {clear} 147
4 52 {inst} 148
5 53 {brown} 149
6 54 {lt. red} 150
7 55 {gray 1} 151
8 56 {gray 2} 152
9 57 {lt. green} 153
: 58 {lt. blue} 154
; 59 {gray 3} 155
< 60 {purple} 156
= 61 {left} 157
> 62 {yellow} 158
? 63 {cyan} 159
@ 64 {shift space} 160
A 65 161
B 66 162
C 67 163
D 68 164
E 69 165
F 70 166
G 71 167
H 72 168
I 73 169
J 74 170
K 75 171
L 76 172
M 77 173
N 78 174
O 79 175
P 80 176
Q 81 177
R 82 178
S 83 179
T 84 180
U 85 181
V 86 182
W 87 183
X 88 184
Y 89 185
Z 90 186
[ 91 187
{pound} 92 188
] 93 189
^ 94 190
{arrow left} 95 191

CODES 192-223 SAME AS 96-127
CODES 224-254 SAME AS 160-190
CODE 255 SAME AS 126

Note: The above codes are for C64 mode. See Appendix I for special codes in C128 mode.

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